Annual dues for full members is $25.00.
Annual dues for family members, full-time students, and members living outside the State of New York is one-quarter the annual dues of a full member, or $6.25
Membership renewal can be accomplished in one of two ways:
1) By logging in to your PayPal account. Send the membership dues to the RDXA PayPal account at “treasurer @” (please remove spaces).
2) By writing a check. Make it out to RDXA and mail it to our treasurer. The treasurer’s address can be found at the end of the current RDXA newsletter.
The Treasurer will notify the Membership Chairman who will then update the membership database and the membership list elsewhere on the website.
Any other questions can be directed to the Membership Chairman.
Become a member of RDXA
If you thrill to the chase of rare DX, if pushing yourself and your station to the limits in contests is your game, if you are an “armchair” DX’er or contester, if you find the challenge and work of Field Day operations exciting, if you want to share your enthusiasm and hard-won knowledge in these fields with like-minded amateurs, then you belong in the Rochester DX Association.
Founded in 1947 in Rochester, NY, RDXA is an Amateur Radio organization dedicated to the art and science of DX operating and contesting. RDXA has been an ARRL affiliated club since its founding.The club celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2022 and presently holds the callsign, W2RDX. Club membership numbers approximately 80 amateurs in the Finger Lakes Region of Western New York. Interests of the members range from the obvious pursuits of HF DXing and contesting to satellite operating, restoration and operation of antique gear, QRP building and operating, RTTY, ATV and digital modes, VHF and microwave contesting and more. Help for the newcomer and old timer alike is a long-standing Club tradition. If amateurs do it, you’ll find it in the RDXA Club History.

The Rochester DX Association was formed in the Spring of 1947 when a number of active DX’ers in the area conceived the idea of holding informal dinner get together’s for the purpose of discussing DX. It became apparent to the group that some form of organization would aid in the nourishment and preservation of the common interest in DX. A constitution was drafted and adopted in June, 1947. The aim of the organization was not ambitious, more social than political. The experience of the old timers showed that a successful organization results from strong common interests and as little red tape as possible. The credentials for membership were chosen to insure the former and by-laws were drafted to keep the organization simple and flexible. The RDXA founders felt that they had laid the basis for a long lasting organization which would serve its members well. It would appear, over half a century later, that they found a good formula. Download our RDXA – Flyer and Registration Form with RDXA information and a registration form.